Friday, July 23, 2010

A leader means ...

1. Motivate people.
2. Delegate.
3. Keep the door open.
4. Let people make mistakes.
5. Learn from his own mistakes.
6. Treat everyone equally.

I want to be ..

I want to be ..
- A leader.. The Extraordinary Leader
- Self motivated
- Keep my appointments
- Responsible person
- Has a vision for myself
- caring..

Life ...

"Life is not a movie that ends up with every problem in the whole world being solved in the perfect is so different.. In order to get and reach some of your have to sacrifise others...which is sometimes very hard and very painful...The real problem is when you stop at a time and think that some of your decisions were wrong and that you shouldn't be here... But for you... I think you will never reach that point... for you always knew your wishes.. and you always knew which path to go to."

Moments [5] ... Remember?!

Sara wrote:
I was in a vacation from work when I received her call (From a taxi as usual). She asked about my health, told me about incidents that happened in her day (it was morning actually, so nothing was very urgent) and she remained silent. I kept on wondering if that silence means something. As if she is waiting for me to tell her something. She then said: "XX sent me an email".I asked her "About what".
She told me that today she will complete her third her in Centrivision and that every body remembered....
That's when I remained silent and the call ended. Shall I tell her how bad was my day and the previous day or she will think that I'm just making execuses?? I didn't tell her anything but I know that day that she told them that I forgot and that she misses my roses that I used to give her every year. Did I hurt her by not remembering?? I guess I did... It is hard to be very caring about everybody and when it is time for you...people forget...

Moments[4] ... Transportation call

Sara wrote:
After we graduated, abeer got hired two days after the graduation project presentation. At that time, I had some ideas about not working and decided to dedicate my time to do different activities. Eventually, I was having too much time to do anything and she had no time to do anything. Whenever she tried to call me, I discover that she is in some kind of transportation. I was always telling her to stop calling me from a bus or taxi because her voice is completely unclear. I begged her to call me once from her home but she never did. So, whenever I receive a call from her, I always start the call saying "bardo btetkalme mn elmwaslat!!" she says "Yes" and we start talking... Days passed and I got hired too..Now I know how it was hard for her to give me any time outside of her transportation zone.. Thank you my friend for giving me part of your very precious time :)

Moments[3] ... BOOMMMM

By Sara:

We used -Me & Abeer- to organize parties in our company. Part of the organization was to go and buy presents to whoever this party is for. I remember that on one of our parties we decided to go and buy a cake (as usual) and some desserts. We bought the cake and with them abeer bought "Om Ali" for us -A very famous Egyptian dessert-. I have to confess that I like ittt. So, I started to drive back to the company and abeer opened my om-ali, gave it to me and handed me a spoon. I must emphasize that I was driving then. So, While driving, I picked the spoon and om-ali and started eating it while...BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... :S :S :S :S ... yes, that was my first car accident with abeer... That was the first and last time that we bought om-ali together..

Moments [2] .. Enta mesh so3áyar

Sara was the first person who joint the company after the mass left it ..
They usually say that I am not that helpful for the new candidates and I usually say "google on it, enta mesh so3áyar :)" .. but if it comes for sara "my dearest friend" I should be different :D ..
When it came to teaching technology I "had" my own TOKOS (It changed after that ;)).. I like to have the full control on the keyboard and mouse .. and person who "have to" listen to me should concentrate and focus and avoid to make the next two things infront of me:1. writing 2. asking too much :D

When she was assigned her first task, she came to me and politly asked me about the name of the project in SVN .. e7m .. we da kan aakher so2aal she asked as simply .. I replied her .. sara enti mesh so3áyara :D.. you should know it by your self :D ..

Moments [1] ..Mirror

My mother told me that friends should have different characters.. no one like to see his/her character mirrored in a friend ..
When I met sara for the first time.. I am sure that she will not remember that incident as I was there.. in the end of the Large class room that we were taking most of our lectures..
When I saw her, she was wearing the same blouse I had .. with different size tab3an:D.. we never met before, I was just coming from Dammita.. We didn't talk in our first meeting.. I just wondered how she had that blouse .. and never talked to her..
As the year passed, we discovered alot of same qualities in our personalities .. we even know the effect of any news on each other ..we love the same thing .. we have the same dreams .. It is not harmful to have a friend close to your personality ;).

Moments ..

Just documenting ana we sara's moments together .... I will start publishing our written moments ..

Let me start with Sara's introduction ..

Our life is a number of moments attached to each other. Most of them are forgetten, fade away as time goes on. Others get stronger and stronger by time. Today, we are here to talk about our little moments that nobody paid attention for. Moments that everybody forgot but we are still remembering. Everybody let it go away but we strongly held and keep it inside in our heart. Moments that we finally decided to share with you. Moments that may one day inspire you..


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