Friday, July 23, 2010

Moments[4] ... Transportation call

Sara wrote:
After we graduated, abeer got hired two days after the graduation project presentation. At that time, I had some ideas about not working and decided to dedicate my time to do different activities. Eventually, I was having too much time to do anything and she had no time to do anything. Whenever she tried to call me, I discover that she is in some kind of transportation. I was always telling her to stop calling me from a bus or taxi because her voice is completely unclear. I begged her to call me once from her home but she never did. So, whenever I receive a call from her, I always start the call saying "bardo btetkalme mn elmwaslat!!" she says "Yes" and we start talking... Days passed and I got hired too..Now I know how it was hard for her to give me any time outside of her transportation zone.. Thank you my friend for giving me part of your very precious time :)

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