What I want to say that my mother was very happy to attend the party and listen to me.. she even asks me in every call to send her a copy of these words.. she even memorized some parts of it and she mention it to her friends :).. I adore you my mother ..
My dad too.. I saw and felt his tears during and after my talk.. I wanted to tell him "It is just for you ya Papa.. I just liked to tell you that I love you :)"..my friends gave all mothers and fathers flowers during the word.. I really liked this event very much :)..
ابى العزيز .... امى الغالية....
احترت كثيرا كيف يمكن ان ابدأ خطابى هذا... كيف يمكن ان اصف ما اريد قوله فى مثل هذه اللحظة... و انا الان واقفة امامكم... اراكم ترقبونى و تدمع اعينكم... كيف اخبركم اننى ما وقفت هاهنا الا لاراكم و ما صنعت هذا النجاح الذى تحقق –بفضل الله- الا لكم....
رأيت ان ابدأ بسرد قصتى للاخرين...قصتى التى بدأت يوم جئت الى هذا العالم ... كنت شيئا صغيرا خائفا لا يقوى على شىء... لكنكم كنتم دائما هناك...ترقبونى من بعيد - بعين لا تنام الا بعدى و قلب لا يهدأ الا لراحتى... تراقبون عثراتى... و تأخذون دائما بيدى لأقف مرة اخرى... و استمر...
و ها انا هنا اليوم... بعد رحلة احسبها طويلة .. احتفل بنجاحى... الذى هو فى الاصل لكم... و اهنئكم انتم... فهذا يومكم...
و فى الختام... اقول كلمة طالما حلمت ان املأ بها ارجاء هذا المكان الفسيح... كلمة لا تمثل الا قليلا مما صنعتموه لى.. لكنها كل ما استطعت تقديمه لكم فى هذا اليوم...
كلمة امثلها بزهرة ...اضعها بين يديكم الآن... لعل هذه الزهرة تكون اقدر منى على وصف ما اريد...
كلمة اقولها امام الجموع
فقط لكم...
ابى و امى...
شكرا لكم....
By all means one of the best I have ever read.
To be written by Sara, narrated by you, and gifted to all these parents in one of the most honorable occasions of the whole life, what a sweet memory.
It certainly evoked my tears. For one thing it reminded me with my own party which did not go that sweet and warm. For the other thing, it reminded me of my parents. May Allah SWT bless and please them and all the parents.
Thank you Abeer and Sara for this perfect moment I spent in my dreams.
تحياتي من ماناساس البلد
Assalam Alikom,
It's the first time to write to you beerozzz, but i want to note that i liked your speech, your party , and your dof3a ;)..
Abeer you will be a great woman one day in shaa Allah :P
and hope that all the happiness be always between you and your parents :)..
Loove you ,
yours Ayazz
berozz, i missed your posts so much
how your word felt me that i was in the party with a flower in my hand and giving it to my mother, it's an amazing feeling...
bas lessa kteeeeeer 3shan a7eso:(
i really love you for the sake of Allah beroz:), kisses
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