Saturday, January 13, 2007

Do you make 100 bad thing daily?!

Alslamo 3likom,

After my decision to stop writing in my blog, I found many new ideas and issues I liked to write about :).

Last weekend, I spent 2 full days with my small family :). Really the life is much better than we could imagine. Playing with my small sister and brother reminded me with my childhood days! It is really a real fun that I miss.

Gameel.. during these two days, I was intended to make the best use of them especially with my small brother and sister. I made the two children a timetable to help them record good things they are doing like :
- Praying ON time
- Helping mama
- Solving the homework and get good marks
- going to tahfeez (my brother and sister are going daily to a place that makes them memorize Quraan. Mariam,13 years old, nearly finished 14 goz2 and Mahmoud "nickname Toti :)", 8 years old, finished 5 or 6 agzaa)

I asked my brother to add another good thing to his list:). I asked him to yesta3'fer "يستغفر" -yesta3'fer means ask Allah to forgive you - , about 100 times daily to ask Allah to forgive him. And every time he makes that esteghfaar it is preferable to remind him self with bad things and ask Allah to forgive him.

"Ok Abeer", he thought for a while and said "100 bad thing I make daily ?! tab if I didn't make 100 bad thing, should I asta3'fer bardo?"

I smiled and told to myself :"Yaah .. he is right.. his world is extremely small comparing to all of us.. he can't imagine that he could make 100 fault daily but we are doing more :( .. Yes ya toti .. "...

What I like to say by this mail is :
Let all of us minimize the number of bad things "معاصى" and increase the number of asking Allah to forgive and bless all of us.

( من لزم الإستغفار جعل الله له من كل هم فرجاً و من كل ضيق مخرجاً و رزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ))

و يقول سبحانه و تعالى فى قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام مع قومه :-
{ فقلت إستغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفاراً يرسل السماء عليكم مدراراً و يمدكم بأموال و بنين و يجعل لكم جنات و يجعل لكم أنهارا }


أميرة البلطجية said...

Gameela awi ya Abir.. mashallah a brilliant idea.. rabna yg3alha fi myzan hsanatek :) I should try this with my little cousin, and children (when I have y3ni:))

Asmaa Magdi said...

Welcome back Bero, m3a enaha met2a7'ara shwaya :$ and really nice post (Y)