Alslamo 3likom,
Days ago, I heard some good news about "Hoda".. who is Hoda?
My friend said:
OK .. Hoda is one of the most beautiful Egyptian girls in the Club that I had my training in. She is funny and beloved from all persons who knew her and the most important thing that she is good Ideal for a Muslim girl...
Some years ago, I heard ladies asking "Did Hoda got married? Why she wasn't a bride till now?" .. it is something strange .. If you know Hoda you will have the feeling of wonder.. and you will wonder more when you know that each time she got engaged, the engagement process was finished unsuccessfully...
After she completed 30 years old, she got married from Yasser. And after 11 months from her marriage she got a baby called "Yossef" ...
You will feel that this story is very normal in our life.. but let me tell you some facts you don't know . Yasser -who married Hoda now- engaged her before their marriage by 7 years. Due to a misunderstanding happened, the engagement ended and Yasser left Hoda with her pain.
After 7 years, Allah made the truth appeared, and Yasser has known new facts that made him returned to his previous bride.
Let us think for a while in this story ..
If Hoda got married when she got engaged from yasser before the seven year, she will live in 2 pains :
1. The misunderstanding that ended their engagement before
2. That she don't have a baby, as "Yossef" will not come to our world except after an exact time Allah knows. That means she will not be offered a child except after 7 years from her marriage which is a real pain for a Mum.
What I want to say is:
Sometimes you suffer from a problem that make you dream to have another life other than the one you have. But as we have seen Hoda, Allah kept the best thing for her. Allah knows what is the best thing for all of us so you must believe in that.
I like these AYAT:
{ زُيِّنَ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا وَيَسْخَرُونَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّقَواْ فَوْقَهُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَاللّهُ يَرْزُقُ مَن يَشَاء بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ } سورة البقرة الأية ( 212 )
Last thing, if you know what ALLAH hides from you, you will choose your current life/state.
** لو إطلعتم على الغيب لإخترتم الواقع **
"Note : This story not with the real names of these persons"
Thank you for that. I really needed to hear that. My life has been in similar turmoil for the past few years, and has gotton almost unbearabley worse recently. Everytime something happens it takes a little from you till you are afraid that nothing will be left in the end. Please pray for me, please pray that Allah yesabarni and yefreg 3ani hami till this passes. Ins.
nice story...
You reminded me of the story of another girl...
This story went as follows:
"Once upon a time there was a very beautiful girl that I knew.. When she was at school, the dream of her life was to get enrolled in the AUC after school..
After she finished school.. she applied there... she entered all the tests that are needed... and finallyy... she passed...
This is fine... but the bad thig is that she never knew that she passed her test... you know why?
Here parents told her that she wasn't accepted.. they didn't want to pay all this money for the AUC so they simply hided the truth frm here...
She got very sad at that time... honestly I was so sad for here especially that I know the truth.. I know that here parents did this just because they don't want to pay money at a time where they had plenty of...
Years passed after that... and that girl went to an ordinary university -not cairo or ain shaims-... You know what happened?
She met her best friend there and she married her brother's best friend... She is now very happy in her marriage with plenty of children.. and in every situation she says: I'm happy that the AUC didn't accept me...Otherwise, I wouldn't have met my husband..
You know what... years and years passed and until now she don't know that she was accepted.. at that time I thaught that her parents were really selfish and that it was not fair... but look for here now and look how happy she is...
From this you know that even you very hard times can be a reason for your very best times after that...don't you see that :)"
By the way...
"Welcome back :)"
anonymous.. could I know who is you:)?
I thaught you will know by your self :P... you always did :)
Ok, my first assumption will be osh . otherwise I don't know.. sorry
by the way, osh don't write english in that way.. I know her very well ;)
mmmm...that's unexpected indeed :(...what about a hint??...remember this blog 2 months ago? when it was full of posts???... three of them were belonging to me :S...
Let me think for a while.. shakraa2 baydaa2 far3aa2 :)..used to write on my hand during the lectures;).. used to advice me not to be an extreme :).. we awel 7arf menha ..
Sara Ma3adaaaaaaaaawi.. asl I lost the hope that you follow my posts :).. tab3an sara Ma3adawi wa hal yakhfa Alkamar :)..
Love you for God :).. please read my coming post about my expereince in the last 7 months:)
a woderful story from a wonderful girl , i am really proud to be your friend :)
I discovered ur blog by conincidence now, but I can say I like it..
& I like that post too :)
I feel I'm discovering things I never knew they were in you, Abeer..
keep blogging, I always liked ur posts, I feel them quite deep...
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