Sunday, July 01, 2007

One year experience in Centrivision ...Part-Two


Bas ...

This post reminded me with a post I have sent two years ago.. which is about
"هييه كبرنا و بقينا فى البكالوريوس"

and as you may remember, I mentioned that I can't imagine that I am now in the last year in coll. and I told you some funny stories about naughty childhood :)..

Now.. and before completing my first year in the work-world by few days.. I am writing now "One year experience in Centrivision ..."

Days ago.. mamti "as I am calling my mother" gave me some old notebooks for me.. I opened the first one and I was shocked and surprised..

When we were in the coll.. we used to write down our plans and dreams for the coming week, month, 5 month and a year..

You will find in my old notebooks plans for being a "Da3eya" or to "teach children some things" ..

You will see that ana we Shimaa"Osh as Sara called her:)" dreamed to live together in any place in the world to keep our friendship forever .. you will see some funny notes written during the lectures when ana and Osh were setting together...

Mamti told me that I changed to the better.. she guessed that I am now more mature but I don't think so..I am facing a difficulty in crying and expressing my thoughts ..It was the easiest thing a year ago!

When I read my notes and plans.. I found that I had a vision to be a good girl .. I was thinking in the world around me.. my faculty and the activities .. organising the courses..


Yes.. it changes my personality..

Mamti and my friends told me that..

After seeing my own plans from a year and now it will be completely different..

When I remember my life in coll, I become depressed.. Yes.. I was planning to improve my personality, become more near to the religion and community... I was trying when I was in the coll. to concentrate in the ethical part of things..

Shimaa was the one who was supporting me.. but we are human beings.. you sometime deviate from the right way to make the things done ..some persons called it "flexibility" and I am calling it decreasing my children feelings "bara2a" ..

yes.. the life in the closed community like the coll, is a very good environment to keep your ethics and religion..

I believe that it is normal that our Emaneyaat is increasing and decreasing.. but when I analyze the difference between this year the previous year...I decided to STOP and revise my own life and think how to -at least return to my previous state-..

Although the environment in my company is helping to increase the technicality but let me say that there are very few things added to my personality.. instead.. I become more nervous.. more stressed.. lose friends.. talk so fast and and have a communication problem..

After year from the coll. life , I become more over weighted.. have some health problems that I am trying to quit from by working more.. I hate to feel ill..

I am still that child that become afraid from load voice...

Do you know? I dream to be an ideal to the children that I will teach one day.. I dream to have a very big class of children to teach and play with them...

In the third and last part from these posts, I will show you my gain and loss from being here, and my advice to anyone wants to know whether joining small company is the right decision in his early age or not.

Friday, June 29, 2007

One year experience in Centrivision ...Part-One

Although I am in very bad need to sleep, I decided to finish my long story today. Today -29/6- was my last day in coll. last year and I was preparing myself to go to centrivision after two days..

Yes.. after two days I will finish my one year experience in centrivision...

Especial year.. nice and tough days..good and hard moments..

But before proceeding, I will tell you that I liked this year very much.. I enjoyed all days and each moment.. even tough moments and tears..

Let me summarize the year in two parts:
1. All the team together without Sara Ma3adawi and Soha and with Moataz.
2. Sara,Eman,Mustapha and Mohamed left to be outsourced and Sara and Soha joint me.

Thanks to everyone who shared me in this year in centrivision:

Thanks to Eman Hassan:
And this is the most one I really pray for :). She is really helpful... She might not got what I mean.. I will tell you one thing that I really liked and keep the rest. I liked her folder "BeforeLeaving" on her machine before she left to the other company. This folder is really a treasure. She made a "HowTo" and "Detailed description,steps and solution to any problem I may face in her task".. When I face a problem.. I hurry up and open this folder as I am sure that I will find the answer .Rabena yekremek ya Eman :).

Sara Salem ba2a, was my first friend from Cairo, and this was from 5 years:). I liked her seriousness in every thing.. I like that she could take tough and challenged decisions .. And as I usually tell her "I like to have a daughter like her".. she is the "success" definition in our academic life

Mustafa or as he likes to write his name "Mustapha" .. he was really helpful, smart and fast learner.. I can't forget that I understood the word "Fast learner" when I helped him to work with andromda in the first time :)..

Mohamed, he is a hard worker and helpful man. You will change any old idea you know about non-CSian persons when you met him.

Moataz.. although he left us but he had a deep effect on my personality... he taught me some building concepts.. I knew his reasons of leaving .. I really appreciate what he did.. bas mesh 3arfa may be not in the right time..

Ahmed, he is my technical manager. When you met him for the first time you will feel that he is a tough person. I am sure that you will change this idea if you spent sometime with him. He is a good listener, and in the same time he forgets alot:).

Islam, mm .. should I speak about my manager ;)? sometimes you should... If you know him well .. you will like to speak about that smart person.. you will like to share your thoughts with him.. and work with him.. to defend on your ideas and hear his ideas.. special manager that you will not meet everyday..

This was my team in the first part.. and in second part:
Sara Ma3adawi or Ma3adawi as we call her:).. my lovely and dearest baby :).. I like to see her nervous :D.. She looks to me as an extreme creature that must be killed :D .. but I love her.. and I am sure that she also does:)..

Soha.. our designer.. she is kind girl.. I like to make her listen to "Tawk Elyasmeen" for Majda elRomi :)..I am afraid that she will hate the music one day ;)..

This is my team .. in the next part I will speak about how working in centrivision changed my personality ..

Monday, May 14, 2007

ابى العزيز .... امى الغالية....

These words I have said in the graduation party of CS class 2006. I liked it very much.. These words were written by Sara Ma3adawi, one of my dearest friends..
What I want to say that my mother was very happy to attend the party and listen to me.. she even asks me in every call to send her a copy of these words.. she even memorized some parts of it and she mention it to her friends :).. I adore you my mother ..
My dad too.. I saw and felt his tears during and after my talk.. I wanted to tell him "It is just for you ya Papa.. I just liked to tell you that I love you :)" friends gave all mothers and fathers flowers during the word.. I really liked this event very much :)..

ابى العزيز .... امى الغالية....

احترت كثيرا كيف يمكن ان ابدأ خطابى هذا... كيف يمكن ان اصف ما اريد قوله فى مثل هذه اللحظة... و انا الان واقفة امامكم... اراكم ترقبونى و تدمع اعينكم... كيف اخبركم اننى ما وقفت هاهنا الا لاراكم و ما صنعت هذا النجاح الذى تحقق –بفضل الله- الا لكم....

رأيت ان ابدأ بسرد قصتى للاخرين...قصتى التى بدأت يوم جئت الى هذا العالم ... كنت شيئا صغيرا خائفا لا يقوى على شىء... لكنكم كنتم دائما هناك...ترقبونى من بعيد - بعين لا تنام الا بعدى و قلب لا يهدأ الا لراحتى... تراقبون عثراتى... و تأخذون دائما بيدى لأقف مرة اخرى... و استمر...

و ها انا هنا اليوم... بعد رحلة احسبها طويلة .. احتفل بنجاحى... الذى هو فى الاصل لكم... و اهنئكم انتم... فهذا يومكم...

و فى الختام... اقول كلمة طالما حلمت ان املأ بها ارجاء هذا المكان الفسيح... كلمة لا تمثل الا قليلا مما صنعتموه لى.. لكنها كل ما استطعت تقديمه لكم فى هذا اليوم...

كلمة امثلها بزهرة ...اضعها بين يديكم الآن... لعل هذه الزهرة تكون اقدر منى على وصف ما اريد...

كلمة اقولها امام الجموع
فقط لكم...

ابى و امى...

شكرا لكم....

Monday, February 19, 2007

At Last, Sara Ma3adawi blog :)

At Last, Sara Ma3adawi blog :)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My work experience during the previous 7 months

After 7 months from joining the work-world I have to say it..

Work-world is very tough and difficult..
Today .. I waked up @ 6:00, to get a walk before the work..

During my walk.. I was thinking in the last 7 months and why we are working... what are the main reasons that let all of us work...
In this post I will speak about the first part.. I will speak about my experience in the previous 7 months.

Every thing "seems" measured by if you don't well set your goals you may fall in the same confusion.

Working changed my personality a lot. It made me to do things more fast. It made me think in a mature way. But in the same time it made me lose some of my friends due to being busy.

I made some investigation about this issue and this is what I reached:

1. I am working as I have a great amount of energy that must be handled ...
I didn't used to be calm or waste my time.. my dad is usually saying :"Abeer wants to do every thing very fast.. even getting her launch.." he is right.. most days, I am getting my launch walking in my flat or wa ana wa2fa.. the last time I got it with my family -I mean setting on the launch table- nearly was last month.. It is a very bad habbit that I want to get ride of..

2. I am working to be an ideal .. most persons like to be ideals.. Dads usually say that they were the first in their class as they want their children to see them as an ideal..I want to make a real difference in the place I am in..

And as I was working in a small company, First let me draw the nice world in Centrivision:).

As you may know -and I have mentioned in one of my posts- that I really admire working in that small company. Working with the young AUCian managers made my work life looks different.

We still do our activities, bookants and 10-minutes. We are planning to make a training after a week from now. We have a great board that we put stars for "elnaas elshatreen :) zai 3abeer ;)" as I used to say.

This is the beautiful part of the picture. In the same time I have learnt some lessons in life that I will never forget.

Don't work except you could afford the responsibility of working..

Don't work in a small company except if you could afford that.. and here I will like to elaborate more:

1. Working in a small company will make you lose some benefits that you may get in other medium size or big companies. Your mates may get better salaries but you will get experience and personal contacts instead.You may reach their salaries after a period. You have to choose and determine...

2. Working in a small company needs faith and well.. needs energy and patient.. you must concentrate if you would like to share in building such a small company.

3. You may get annoyed of the inconsistent rules.. you may get annoyed of unexpected action of the others.. you may fall in confusion as you can't get clearly what the management want you to do and what is behind the scene...what is their policy of measuring things.. and also get confused to determine who should know what.

4. You may don't find somethings that motivate you to excel. You should search by your self for these things whatever inside the company or out side.

Some persons may see the previous points interesting and affordable like me. So set with your self and determine what you want exactly...

As my coming posts will show you,the work world is tough and mature zeyada 3an elaazem... there is no space for persons who have children thinking or well...

After the 7 months, I need to say it to my mother, without your strong faith and belief in your girl I will not be there. Mama , when I joined work I felt that this world is very big and complex. No one have the same measurement for things as I have. I am really afraid from that world. I didn't dream to live in that hard world one day....


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

** لو إطلعتم على الغيب لإخترتم الواقع **

Alslamo 3likom,

Days ago, I heard some good news about "Hoda".. who is Hoda?

My friend said:

OK .. Hoda is one of the most beautiful Egyptian girls in the Club that I had my training in. She is funny and beloved from all persons who knew her and the most important thing that she is good Ideal for a Muslim girl...

Some years ago, I heard ladies asking "Did Hoda got married? Why she wasn't a bride till now?" .. it is something strange .. If you know Hoda you will have the feeling of wonder.. and you will wonder more when you know that each time she got engaged, the engagement process was finished unsuccessfully...

After she completed 30 years old, she got married from Yasser. And after 11 months from her marriage she got a baby called "Yossef" ...

You will feel that this story is very normal in our life.. but let me tell you some facts you don't know . Yasser -who married Hoda now- engaged her before their marriage by 7 years. Due to a misunderstanding happened, the engagement ended and Yasser left Hoda with her pain.

After 7 years, Allah made the truth appeared, and Yasser has known new facts that made him returned to his previous bride.

Let us think for a while in this story ..
If Hoda got married when she got engaged from yasser before the seven year, she will live in 2 pains :
1. The misunderstanding that ended their engagement before
2. That she don't have a baby, as "Yossef" will not come to our world except after an exact time Allah knows. That means she will not be offered a child except after 7 years from her marriage which is a real pain for a Mum.

What I want to say is:

Sometimes you suffer from a problem that make you dream to have another life other than the one you have. But as we have seen Hoda, Allah kept the best thing for her. Allah knows what is the best thing for all of us so you must believe in that.

I like these AYAT:

{ زُيِّنَ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا وَيَسْخَرُونَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ اتَّقَواْ فَوْقَهُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَاللّهُ يَرْزُقُ مَن يَشَاء بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ } سورة البقرة الأية ( 212 )

Last thing, if you know what ALLAH hides from you, you will choose your current life/state.
** لو إطلعتم على الغيب لإخترتم الواقع **

"Note : This story not with the real names of these persons"

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It worth to spend some minutes thinking in ...!

Alslamo 3likom ,

How are you all? I hope that all of you are fine ..

Days ago, I was taking a walk with my friend and she mentioned that sometimes your choice could make a great effect on others...

I thought on her words .. Sometime, when you are put in any situation and you are asked to take a decision on it, a lot of things may appear to show you how the taken decision -whatever the decision was- was totally wrong and you may ask yourself : "yah, hewa ana 3amlt keda ezay?!" "How I have taken this decision?!".

You may got depressed and you want the time to return back to change your decision!!

.. BUT ...

I don't know why this aya come to my mind again and again these days ..
احسب الناس ان يتركوا ان يقولوا امنا وهم لا يفتنون

This aya said -according to my little knowledge- " Do people be left to say that we believe in Allah without being seduced "

What I want to say here is: If you are put in a situation one day, and you have to take a decision that may affect you as well as others so..
1. Do estekhara, and ask Allah to help you in that choice "
أسأل الله تعالى أن يرزقنا وإياك أن يرنى الحق حقا ويرزقنا اتباعه وأن يرنى الباطل باطلا .

2. Then take the decision and do not blame yourself about the results of that decision.. i.e. "If I have taken the decision X I will be more happy and the life will be much better" .. and if you find difficulties in doing the things so it may be some FETNA and Allah want to see what you will do to face that thing..

Again, the aya is

احسب الناس ان يتركوا ان يقولوا امنا وهم لا يفتنون

Read it and feel it.. it worth to spend some minutes thinking in its meaning!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Do you make 100 bad thing daily?!

Alslamo 3likom,

After my decision to stop writing in my blog, I found many new ideas and issues I liked to write about :).

Last weekend, I spent 2 full days with my small family :). Really the life is much better than we could imagine. Playing with my small sister and brother reminded me with my childhood days! It is really a real fun that I miss.

Gameel.. during these two days, I was intended to make the best use of them especially with my small brother and sister. I made the two children a timetable to help them record good things they are doing like :
- Praying ON time
- Helping mama
- Solving the homework and get good marks
- going to tahfeez (my brother and sister are going daily to a place that makes them memorize Quraan. Mariam,13 years old, nearly finished 14 goz2 and Mahmoud "nickname Toti :)", 8 years old, finished 5 or 6 agzaa)

I asked my brother to add another good thing to his list:). I asked him to yesta3'fer "يستغفر" -yesta3'fer means ask Allah to forgive you - , about 100 times daily to ask Allah to forgive him. And every time he makes that esteghfaar it is preferable to remind him self with bad things and ask Allah to forgive him.

"Ok Abeer", he thought for a while and said "100 bad thing I make daily ?! tab if I didn't make 100 bad thing, should I asta3'fer bardo?"

I smiled and told to myself :"Yaah .. he is right.. his world is extremely small comparing to all of us.. he can't imagine that he could make 100 fault daily but we are doing more :( .. Yes ya toti .. "...

What I like to say by this mail is :
Let all of us minimize the number of bad things "معاصى" and increase the number of asking Allah to forgive and bless all of us.

( من لزم الإستغفار جعل الله له من كل هم فرجاً و من كل ضيق مخرجاً و رزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ))

و يقول سبحانه و تعالى فى قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام مع قومه :-
{ فقلت إستغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفاراً يرسل السماء عليكم مدراراً و يمدكم بأموال و بنين و يجعل لكم جنات و يجعل لكم أنهارا }